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January Newsletter

 Dear Green Tree Families,

We are very excited to have our classrooms filled with children again soon!  I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season and that your children are as excited to return as we are to have them!  Please see below for a few updates and reminders as we return to a new year at Green Tree!

Distance Learning

As we enter a new year, we want to take the time to emphasize our goals and priorities.  Our goal this year and always is to give our students what they need, when they need it in regards to learning.  We strive to deliver the best instruction to your students and meet their needs individually.  We know it has been a challenge to do this when students are shifting frequently between in class and distance learning, and we thank you for your continued support through this time as we try to our best to meet your child's academic, social, and emotional needs.  If your child should require distance learning for any reason returning from this or future breaks, please feel free to reach out to your child's homeroom teacher as well as our school administrative assistant or school nurse prior to the date all students return from break.  This is one way to help us plan effectively for the individual support of your child. 

Anna Bryant, School Nurse 335-1185

Tina Corazzi, Administrative Assistant 335-5520

Winter Weather Wear

The new year also brings to us something else that is familiar- snowy and cold weather! I want to take a moment to remind families of expectations through this season.  In order for students to play in the snow, they must have the snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves.  In the event a student does not bring these to school, the student will remain on the blacktop area of the playground. If students misplace any of these items, please remind them to check the lost and found area located by the office. If possible, please label your child's last name on items so we can easily identify and return quickly return to students.

Safety Drills

I would also like to take this time to remind families that we practice safety drills monthly.  These include fire drills, tornado drills, lockdowns, etc.  In the coming months, we will be practicing these drills to continue practicing our district safety procedures. Should you have any questions about our safety procedures, please feel free to reach out to me for more information.


December was really exciting and it was great to close out the year with a schoolwide movie and popcorn celebration for reaching our goal to earn 1000 gator grin cards! We have some great events planned for January too! Our monthly goal incentive will be an earned Flannel/Fleece/Lumberjack theme day.  Stay tuned for more information on this later in the month.  

In addition to earning stamps for demonstrating positive schoolwide expectations, students also have an opportunity to be celebrated for their acts of kindness.  Each Friday for the remainder of the year, teachers will nominate one student from their classroom who displayed a great act of kindness in addition to demonstrating positive schoolwide expectations.  Our students do so many kind things each day for one another and we are excited to bring that into our weekly celebrations!  

Student Shirts

Your child will be issued a special Green Tree shirt on Friday, January 8th.  Every Friday, students can participate in wearing these Green Tree shirts proudly to celebrate all of our hard work for the week.  Classroom teachers will send reminders to wear shirts on Fridays after they are distributed this week. A special thank you to our ABC Parent group for helping to fund the t-shirts for all students!

Title I

As you may remember from our virtual family night in September, teachers shared in their videos/slideshow information about Green Tree Elementary School as a Title I school.  As a reminder, the goal of Title I funds is to ensure a high-quality education for every child by providing extra help for those who need it most.  Our reading and math intervention services are just one example of services that are provided through Title I.  For more information, please review the slideshow here.

For our district to better serve you and your child(ren) through our Title I services, please take a moment to participate in the following survey by January 29th, 2021.  

Title I Survey

Drop-off and Pick-Up Reminder

Just a friendly reminder to observe safety protocols, especially at the crosswalks, when dropping off and picking up on Green Tree Road.  Please make sure not to park on crosswalk lines and allow room for staff and students to cross safely.

No School for Students

A reminder that students will return to school on January 6th and there is no school for students on January 18th and 19th.  

As always, thank you for your continued support.  We look forward to a great new year with you all!  Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly at any time.


Jennifer Potter