Hel lo Gator Families! I am really excited about the goals we have set for Green Tree this year! Every fall we look at data to determine an area of focus for the year. This year the data we are using comes from a survey last spring, in which the staff identified that supporting our writers as they respond to reading is an area for growth. In order to achieve this goal, teachers will work together to better understand the writing continuum, analyze student writing, and identify specific teaching points as they confer with writers. We will provide information to families about how to support their writers in future newsletters, so stay tuned! We had a lot of fun in October! Before we move into the November happenings, please take a look at some of the great things we did last month at Green Tree! Imagination Grants Awarded Erica Becker, School Counselor, and Sheela Pudwell, School-Family Liaison, were both awarded grants from the West Bend Public Schools Foundation Imagination Grants! ...